Settings for a Ford Crank Position Sensor (73 teeth)

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Settings for a Ford Crank Position Sensor (73 teeth)

Post by F5Pilot »

I have a Ford Crank Position sensor mounted and connected (and reading) to a MK2. Now the problem is getting the setting so it records accurately. The pulse selection ends at 63... We've messed around with RPM verses Frequency, along with various other settings to no satisfactory solution. This application needs an accurate record.

Racing on Saturday, so responsiveness is appreciated.

Dave Vincent, F500 #73

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Post by brentp »


Sorry we missed this earlier.

So we can frame the issue, what actual readings are you getting? Is it reading a stable, consistent value, but simply the wrong value, or is it erratic or unstable?
Brent Picasso
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Post by F5Pilot »


Sorry for the long delay.

We got some erratic readings, but mostly it was just wrong. We got it close to a correct reading at idle, but definitely wrong at speed.

I found your discussion on active verses passive sensor and have now installed a 3-wire gear sensor (the Hamlin #55505), but I cannot "Configure the pulse channel with the number of pulses per revolution, which maps to the number of teeth on the gear / wheel" because I need to set that to 73 and the max number of pulses per revolution in the UI is 63.

How do I set pulses to 73 for my installation?

Dave Vincent, F500 #73

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Post by brentp »

Thanks for the update.

Right now it's constrained through the user interface, but you can edit the configuration file directly and set the value to what you want.

We can get this updated in the 1.10.1 app. Tracking the issue here: ... ssues/1413

Load the configuration file using a regular text editor, like notepad++ and search for the timerCfg section. Change the PPR to 100. Save the file, then load the file into the app, and write it to RCP.

Here's an example of changing the first timer channel to have 100 for PPR (Pulse Per Revolution).

Code: Select all

"timerCfg": {
      "0": {
        "alpha": 1.0,
        "max": 10000,
        "min": 0,
        "mode": 0,
        "nm": "RPM",
        "ppr": 100,
        "prec": 0,
        "speed": 1,
        "sr": 10,
        "st": 0,
        "ut": ""

Let us know how it goes!
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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Post by brentp »

Update - the latest 1.10.1 beta RaceCapture app allows for setting the Pulse Per Revolution up to 100.
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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