Race Capture App - Gauge Scale CANBUS data Question

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Race Capture App - Gauge Scale CANBUS data Question

Post by SwedishKnievel »

I have a RCP MkIII and am running the RCP app on a Kindle Fire. App and firmware are latest versions available as of 2 weeks ago.

I have been successful mapping several CANBUS channels from a microsquirt. The challenge I am having has to do with being able to scale the gauge on the dashboard. For example, I am mapping MAP. This is a turbo application. I want to be able to scale the MAP gauge on the dash from 0 to 255 Kpa. I go to Setup, I select CAN Mapping,
I select the edit icon for the MAP channel. On the first screen I select the 'gear' icon.
I then set the MIN/MAX values for the channel
I select the check mark, then WRITE the changes back to the RCP.

However, when I go back to the dashboard, the scale is set at 0-105. I'm totally confused here. Any help is appreciated.


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Post by SwedishKnievel »

Alright, alright, alright...I've answered my own question.

My CANBUS script set the maximum value to 105 for MAP.

Here is the script:

--add your virtual channels here
--addChannel(<name>, <sample rate>, [logging precision], [min], [max], [units label])
rpmId = addChannel("RPM", 10, 0, 0, 8000)
tpsId = addChannel("TPS", 10, 0, 0, 100, "%")
mapId = addChannel("MAP", 10, 0, 0, 105, "kPa")
cltId = addChannel("Coolant", 1, 0, 0, 250, "F")
afrId = addChannel("AFR", 10, 1, 0, 20)
iatId = addChannel("IAT", 1, 0, 0, 250, "F")
advId = addChannel("Advance", 10, 1, -30, 30, "deg")

As soon as I changed the 105 to 255, the scale of the gauge changed. I guess the only question is what do the Min/Max values do on the Channel Settings dialog? Perhaps they serve to constrain the data set that comes through the bus but cannot expand it beyond what is defined in the script?

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Post by brentp »


It looks like you are using the built-in CAN mapping *AND* using the CAN mapping via lua scripting. You don't need to do this because it is redundant. (the old way was via lua scripting).

We recommend removing the mapping via lua scripting and only using the built-in mapping via the GUI configuration. Then you will get the behavior you expect.

Reference: https://wiki.autosportlabs.com/CAN_Bus_Integration

Hope this helps;
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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