Multiple Issues - maybe self inflicted...

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Multiple Issues - maybe self inflicted...

Post by shmed »

Well, my experience of the RCP is not going too well, and I'm seeking some reassurance that it is worth persevering.

Long story short, I've had to flash the firmware 3 times and reinstall the bootloader using the SAM-BA utility once, but now that I have a dedicated XP laptop for the RCP, I have got it running with v1.2.8.

I thought that my analog inputs were wired up out of order, but I think that might have been me being dumb.

I now see voltage leakage across the analog inputs (when I put a 12v feed onto the screw I see 3-5v across 4 of the analogs). This could be because I'm just putting the wire on the screw rather than clamping it into the connector though, so will look at that again later.

Also, I just can't get the Lua script to work at all.

I have configured GPIO3 for Output (using the jumper), and just for a test, I tried to make a Lua script [setgpio(2,1)] to make the output enable, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

Finally, I just can't get my RPM input to be read by the RCP. I have a 5v pulse signal from my ECU (2 pulses per rev), so I would expect it to be simple.

Unfortunately (because I'm not all that clued up), the tacho output from the ECU also feeds the dash tacho, and I believe it has pull up resistor connected to a 12v feed. I figured this might impact the RCP signal, so at the minute, only the RCP is connected to the tacho output from the ECU.

I see absolutely nothing on any of my RPM inputs (had them all enabled and nothing on any of them).

Is there something I am missing? I have previously seen an erratic RPM signal, but I can't remember how the car was wired at the time.

I have a very cheap scope, very little knowledge, and am considering buying one of these to try and rule out the ECU feed being the issue (which I know I can check with a scope, but I don't have sufficient knowledge to get a decent wave out of the scope): ... 3a8d5f7f8d

Please help one frustrated person :)

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Post by jakekooser »

Are you using a TachX board for your RPM? I have one that one of the chips had fallen off of and I did a bad repair job to. It ended up being not connected to the output, so I resoldered it and it worked fine. I went through a lot of the same pain with the RPM.

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Post by shmed »

Not using a tachx board, just a feed straight into the RCP. It's a digital feed from the ECU so shouldn't need any additional modules (hopefully).

I've read other peoe have used the trigger wire from one of the Coil on plugs, might try that?!

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Post by brentp »

Hi shmed,

Were you able to read the RPM signal using your scope? If the signal is noisy at all, RCP will have challenges reading it. The CoilX board was designed to tap into the coil pack primary for measuring RPM.

We are soon releasing a V2 firmware release which will improve the Lua Scripting quite a bit.

Can you share the Lua script you were trying to use and describe what you wanted it to do?
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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