Improvement suggestion for RaceAnalyzer

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Improvement suggestion for RaceAnalyzer

Post by GTIspirit »

I think it would be helpful to have some numbers on both the time or X and Y-axes of the plots so you don't have to mouseover to get an idea of the values. That way you could just look at the graph and get a general idea of the values.

I would also prefer to see the values during mouseover shown in a fixed column to the right of the graph, rather than moving around the graph during mouseover and getting potentially obscured by the data trace.

Same for the GPS. I don't think my house was really moving, but without a scale it's hard to tell if that is inches/feet or yards.
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Post by dimondjack »

First, I'm excited that things are moving this quickly with RCP and RA.

My feedback is that it would be great to be able to choose your XY axes. GG plots, sensors vs. distance, yaw vs. steering position, RPM vs. speed (to check for wheel slip), and many others are all powerful tools that I think are essential for looking at data.

Hidden in that request is the ability to have math channels that are functions of previous channels.

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Post by brentp »

Thanks for the feedback. There's an undocumented feature where if you double click the line chart it shows a scale on the left side. This is still under development as we're trying to figure out the best way to visually represent it.


If I understand your question, you can compare and correlate different channels together - e.g. Accelerometer vs speed - by multi-selecting channels (using ctrl-click) and then right-clicking to bring up a line chart.

You can also multi-select across imported datalogs- for example, you can compare data from different runs or different sessions spread across datalogs. You can also time shift the datalogs to align the datapoints together.

We're working on adding more UI elements to make this stuff more discoverable, like toolbar buttons and other visual hints. We're also going to do a few video tutorials on top of fleshing out the documentation / help information more.

Thanks for the feedback!
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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