Exposing UI functions to LUA?

Discussion on the Lua Scripting capabilities for RaceCapture/Pro. Also see the <a href="http://autosportlabs.net/RaceCapturePro_Lua_Scripting">Lua Scripting Guide</a>

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Exposing UI functions to LUA?

Post by TXBDan »


Is there a way to control some of the GUI functionality using a LUA script? For example the touch screen button to cycle through dashboard displays would be handy.

For example:

If (digital input from button)
page = getDashBoardpage() + 1


if(temp > maxTemp)



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Post by brentp »

RaceCapture/Pro doesn't have specific knowledge of the display that's connected to it, and that's kind of by design.

The concept here is "separation of concerns". We don't want Racecapture tied to a display that assumes a specific behavior - for example, in the future there might be a simple display that behaves differently.

If the goal is to have hard wired buttons to switch screens, then the best way is to implement that via the app. There are some people here working on bluetooth buttons that simulate the left / right keyboard press, which, when implemented, neatly solves the problem.

Hope this helps!
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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