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Incorrect scaling in analysis window

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:42 pm
by fmbo
Hello everyone!

It seems that this issue started appearing in 1.9.0 and is still present in 1.10.2.

I have MAP channel set up in the range 0-3 bar. However, in the analysis screen it is shown like it is set in the range 0-255, Image.

It makes the analysis quite unconvenient.

Also, when making any changes to configutation, the app often resets the channel settings from 0-3 bar, precision 3 to 0-255 precision 0, which produces incorrect logging.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:42 pm
by brentp
Hi, the analysis ranges is derived from the channel settings you specify in the channel configuration, viewable using the gear icon for the particular channel you're editing.

What do you currently have those set to?

We're working on a feature that will let you override those settings in analysis, queued for a future version.

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:14 pm
by fmbo
This is the tricky thing — when I write the configuration, it is set for 0-3 for sure.

But when I read it back, it is sometimes set to 0-255. I couldn't figure our the real source of difference.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:11 pm
by brentp
Thanks. Is this with one of the analog channels?

If you can detect a pattern where this occurs, let us know. Be sure to watch out for loading a config file that has the old settings, because that will over-write any changes you've made.

In the meantime, we will double check editing it, writing it, and reading it back from the system.


Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:48 am
by VPD
brentp wrote:Hi, the analysis ranges is derived from the channel settings you specify in the channel configuration, viewable using the gear icon for the particular channel you're editing.

We're working on a feature that will let you override those settings in analysis, queued for a future version.
This is the closest thread to my question so I'll just add on. When I use the heat map track overlay in analysis it appears the scale keeps the default range regardless of the range I enter in the channel config.

For example, I'm mapping a direct CAN channel to OilPress and it shows the range as 0-150 psi. When I logged the data I had left the range 0-150, but later when looking at the heat map I wanted a tighter range better matching my data so I edited the channel config, but the heat map range didn't update even after reloading the session.

All other channel specific settings like warning ranges seem to propagate around nicely, seems like this should have too from the text above. Is the range set at time of logging and stored with the data? I hope not, the useful range for best heat map visualization isn't known until data has been taken. I'm using the latest app version, is this a bug?

The analysis override improvement sounds even better. Auto scale based on data min/max values as an option would be nice too.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:54 am
by brentp
Hi; Good question.

The scaling you specify in channel configuration affects what is reported at the time the data is broadcasted. Analysis holds a snapshot of data imported at the time, so the min/max scaling is handled separately.

Needless to say, 1.14.0 app will include the ability to adjust the scaling of the values in the datastore. That and other improvements are the highest SW priority. Stand by for some more information soon, including demo videos.


Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:36 pm
by VPD
Hi Brent, thanks for the quick reply. I need to clarify based on your response. I'm not talking about the scaling formula, I'm talking about the min/max range. To keep the same example, my oil pressure range is 0-75psi, my scaling formula is correct and my data reports that correctly with real psi values in real time and analysis so no problem with scaling.

Range: Under Edit CAN Channel Mapping -> Channel tab -> Channel gear icon -> Settings column -> Min/max field. I set this from 0-75, but in Analysis the heat map color legend in the upper right still shows 0-150psi. I can't find any way to change it.

Then when my actual data is only 0-50, and the range/legend is stuck at 0-150, I'm only using 1/3 of the color range so visualization is not good. Make sense now? Where is that 0-150 coming from and how do I change it?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:39 pm
by brentp
Hi - I think I understood what you wrote. Those min/max values are stored in the database (datastore.sq3) and are set at the time of the initial import. They're not connected to the current channel configuration.

Our feature task is to create an interface that will allow you to edit the current min/max for the currently imported channels.

Hope that clarifies things!

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:48 pm
by VPD
Yes it does, thank you. I see a lot nice things coming in 1.14.0, looking forward to it.