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Hill Climb track mapping start/finish

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 2:57 pm
by djmorgan

I am trying to set up lap timing for a hill climb event and have trouble with RaceCapturePro mk 3 triggering on the return trip down the hill. For this event the drivers have to recross the start line (in the opposite direction) to re-enter the pit area after each run.
I can't figure out how to prevent the unit from considering the return to pits as a new lap. Any suggestions?

I did see the lua script example using an external switch to trigger the camera and logging which is fine -- how do I do something similar to trigger the lap timers?

As a related question -- is there anyway on a track with different start and finish lines to abort a lap? While testing the above I could not figure out how to stop the lap timer and start over without either shutting off the unit or going all the way to the top of the hill to trigger the finish. The latter would not be allowed at an event of course!


Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 5:53 pm
by brentp

We are working on a way to reset lap timing using a button on the screen, this will be available in an upcoming version of the app, with beta available shortly.

The alternative is to power cycle RaceCapture after entering the pits, which will reset lap timing.

Watch for updates on this on our blog and facebook page. Thanks!

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 6:06 pm
by djmorgan
Hi Brent...thanks for the reply.

Having run my first hill climb last weekend I would like to suggest the ability to use an external switch like the lua example that would "arm" and disarm the timer system so that the predictive lap times can still be used without resetting the unit. The other suggestion would be the ability to use an external switch to perform the touchscreen button function.

Thanks again..

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 6:31 pm
by brentp
Thanks! There will also be a lua function to reset lap timing as well, which can be actived with a GPIO.