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G-Force meter request

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:21 pm
by air1dpt
I think a G force meter would be a good option in the dashboard gauge menu. I usually analyze the data after a race event but using my in vehicle tablet I find myself glancing to much at the accel X/Y graph while driving. I really would like a peak and hold option for the gauge. It could work as follows; the highest value in a 5 second window would be displayed in the g force (quandrant) graph as a dot. Dots would be visible in all 4 quadrants and on the axis as well. Dots would disappear after 5 seconds or replaced by one of greater (higher g) value. Anyone else in for a g-force meter? We have great real time data but I don't feel like it is visually useful as a fast moving number...