commit to flash?

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commit to flash?

Post by 2002john »

How long does it take for commit to flash to take effect, is there any text that tells you?

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Post by brentp »

Hi John,

Writing the data to flash happens quickly, in a fraction of a second. But it does take much longer than writing individual values to controller RAM, and also pauses controller operation. This is why data isn't flashed over and over during interactive tuning sessions or regular map updating.

Not sure what you mean by 'text'- do you mean a visual confirmation in the configuration software?

Brent Picasso
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yes is there any way of knowing when it is ready to flash

Post by 2002john »

I have downloaded new firmware, and when I write ignition configuration, commit to flash turn power off on mjlj and then I still get default map. I have tryed write ingnition config and then checked get ingnition configuration. I get a pop up that I not specified correct cylinder 4,6,8 config. or advance is 0 to 59. That is why I am asking when do you know when ignition config is loaded to ram memory.

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Post by brentp »

Out of curiosity, what was the reason for installing new firmware? Did you have an old unit? If your unit is fairly recent you are likely running the latest 3.2.1 firmware (if you have a V3 board) You can check this by clicking Help/About in the configuration software.

It seems like the controller was sending back bad data when you clicked the 'read config' button. Does this only happen immediately after you click 'write flash'?

If you are bench-testing the unit, what kind of power supply are you using?

What kind of serial connection are you using for your computer? Is it a straight serial or USB->Serial adapter?

Brent Picasso
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Post by 2002john »

I believe it had newest firmware already, green board I bought about 5 monthes ago from you. I read post about installing new firmware to solve problems. I do have it installed in car, I am using keyspan serial assistant that I have used with lots of different equipment that rs232 with no problems. I seem to comunicate with mjlj but can't seem to load flash. It also has problems with write config and then read config pop up window comes 0-59 advance or cylinder config is incorrect. This happens before commit to flash.

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Post by brentp »

I am not familiar with your USB->Serial adapter, so I do not know if there are any compatibility issues with the MJLJ. To eliminate this variable I would recommend, as a test, to connect the unit to a computer with a standard serial port and repeat the read/write/flash test. You may need to remove it from the car and test it on the bench with a fresh 9V battery or similar.

By chance, are you running the engine while you are doing this? or is the ignition to the 'on' position? Some have had problems with running engines interfering with the USB->Serial electronics, and many were able to resolve it by physically distancing the USB->Serial adapter electronics away from the engine using a serial extension cable.

Brent Picasso
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usb to serial

Post by 2002john »

If I can load firmware into mjlj via usb to serial port wouldn't you think my cable is ok? I did hyper terminal setting as well. My usb to serial cable software has a dianostic when mjlj is connected to computer and 12v applieed I see code through dianostic window, it stops when 12v disabled or mjlj software is timeout runtime. I do not have to access to computer with rs232 port right now, but I think I am comunicating with mjlj.

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changed settings

Post by 2002john »

Hi Brett, I changed settings on usb/serial software, it works perfectly now. Thanks for your help, I feel like a dumbass now!

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Post by brentp »

Unfortunately, it's not quite that simple. We're not establishing whether your USB->Serial adapter is *bad*, but rather trying to identify a compatibility issue.

There are several differences between the firmware programming process and the operation of the MJLJ where one may work and the other may not when it comes to these adapters. As an example, there have been cases where the MJLJ configuration software works correctly, but the firmware programming software (hc08sprg.exe) fails with the same adapter!

What does work in all cases is when a standard serial port is used- that's why it's recommended as a first troubleshooting step. If we can verify everything works correctly, then we can look at compatibility issues.

However: in reading over the notes- are you running the latest 3.2.1 configuration software? This latest version has a number of bug fixes addressing compatibility issues with several USB->Serial adapters. If you don't have this installed, try upgrading as your next step.

Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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