Sensor Warning Display

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Sensor Warning Display

Post by madjak »

It would be awesome to be able to create a list of min - max values for various channels that sets the warning and error values across the entire RCP app.

This could be read by the system and provide the coloured shading for all the gauges in every view as well as show a master warning / alarm.

Channel_Name | Min Error | Min Warning | Max Warning | Max error
CTS 20 40 90 100 -- error if coolant is less than 20 or more than 100 degrees, warn if less than 40 and more than 90
FLEX 50 75 110 110 --eg no min error or warning, if E85 < 50% then flash warning
Voltage 10.0 11.5 15.0 15.0 -- note same max warning and error values. if there is any overcharging it would immediately error without a warning stage.

It could also be used to drive a master warning light on the RCP screen that displays an overlay box on the top right corner if any selected channels hits the Warning or Error values. It would list the channels in error condition and perhaps flash the entire overlay box red or if any values are in the 'Error' range. The idea is that this error display is big enough to see from the driver peripheral vision whilst driving.

If this is implemented it would be nice to have a MASTER_Error state that drives the display exposed in the Lua scripting so that external warning lights / buzzers can be activated at different levels.

MASTER_Error = 0 --no warning
MASTER_Error = 1 --warning
MASTER_Error = 2 --error


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Post by brentp »

Thanks for the feedback. We do have it on our list for a comprehensive alerting capabilities in the app. We'll use what you have here to feed our requirements.

You've seen the existing ability to set alert color ranges for gauges, correct?
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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Post by madjak »

yeah and I use them, but they are hard to see when looking at certain dashboards.

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Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:04 pm

Post by crimespree »

I think one main alarm, e.g. boolean condition that flashes the screen accompanied by an audio output, (through 3.5mm to amp or input to comm channel, or in my case, as it is a head unit, straight through car stereo speakers would be amazing.

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