Initial Software Bugs

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Initial Software Bugs

Post by barkerdm »

Just got my RCP a few days ago. Was playing around with it outside the car & found 2 potential bugs.

First, playing around with mounting direction it appears that the 'invert' option in the mode column for adjusting the accelerometers does not do anything. Simple test back to back test only switching between 'normal' & 'inverted' does not change the direction as seen in the log file.

Second, if you save a configuration file on your computer and re-open it, the GPS locations for Start/Finish, split. & circle size does not get saved. If you write it to the RCP and the read is back later, that data is retained.

I know there is a lot of development work to be done, but I'd though I should let you know of my findings. Thanks.

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Post by brentp »

thanks for the feedback. Looking at this today!
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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Post by brentp »

Update- Did some investigating, and it looks like the Accelerometer axis inversion issue is in the firmware, unfortunately (unfortunately b/c it's a bit less convenient to update).

The GPS target issue will be fixed when we release the next version of RaceAnalyzer, which will be very soon (tonight, hopefully). We'll likely have a firmware update as well.
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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